Overdue update
This is like a really overdue update about my trip to Singapore with Rain. About time, I know. We had so much fun exploring a foreign place. Hey chica, let's do it again sometime??!
There's a lot to tell but I won't cramp all the details in one post. Alright I will let ya'll know the details about the best S.E.X. I'd ever had. Mind you it's Stash Enhancing Experience! *tsk tsk tsk, what were you thinking???* Yes people, it's yarn shopping only in Singapore.
There's a lot to tell but I won't cramp all the details in one post. Alright I will let ya'll know the details about the best S.E.X. I'd ever had. Mind you it's Stash Enhancing Experience! *tsk tsk tsk, what were you thinking???* Yes people, it's yarn shopping only in Singapore.
After discovering Spotlight on our very first day in Singapore, we went there 3 days straight, spending quality time with the yarns lol! They have really really affordable yarns that are definitely not available in Malaysia. We also met Regg and Jollin, fellow knitters whom we had a wonderful evening together. Thanks for the treats Regg!
Okay it might not seem a lot but I'm slowly increasing my stash. Right now I need to get a job soon so that I can attach Spotlight again!!
Also I've signed up for SP11. Weeeee something to look forward to other than just bills in my postbox!