Happy 2008!
Hello....yes...it's me....popping in to wish you, you and you a very happy new year!! Here's wishing everyone a great year ahead, I know I'm looking forward to an awesome one! I hope y'all had a wonderful Christmas too.
My explanation for being MIA for the past month is because I finally got a job and yeah, actually have to wake up at 6am and not go to bed at 6am! And now I'm cherishing every single weekend! But thank you to all of you who left comments on my Clapotis post and also on winning the contest online.
What job am I doing if you might ask, well I got one as a medical underwriter with an insurance company. Whazzat you ask??? No worries, I get that question every single time lol. Click on the link to find out more. I'm still under training, but by the end of 6 months I should be a certified underwriter. Not exactly my ideal job, but thats the best offer I could get so far.
On the knitting front, I did finish my Phildar bolero. Don't mind the picture, I had no one else to take it for me. Somehow it didn't turn out to be like the one in the pattern. And yes that's me in my Lelah Top too.

The bolero turned out to be a tad too big, especially around the arms. And I wore it for a whole day and it kept falling backwards and slipping off my shoulders, which was pretty darn annoying. I am thinking of making an i-cord and attaching it to the front so I can tie it and not worry of it falling all the time.
Oh yes before I forget, the yarn ball population in my yarn box has increased by 3! yep!! First up, is Knit Pick's Felici from my buddy Rain. It was an Eid pressie from her. Thank you sweety =) The yarn is so so unbelievable soft I wish my pillows and sheets were that soft. Those of you who have tried this yarn before would agree with me, won't ya?

Next, is something I purchased for myself...2 balls of Knit Picks' Gossamer in Carribean. Hopefully it will be a lacy top, and not a shawl...again.

That's all for now folks. Not making any knitting resolutions here. Hopefully there'll be more FOs this year. Take care and happy knitting!
My explanation for being MIA for the past month is because I finally got a job and yeah, actually have to wake up at 6am and not go to bed at 6am! And now I'm cherishing every single weekend! But thank you to all of you who left comments on my Clapotis post and also on winning the contest online.
What job am I doing if you might ask, well I got one as a medical underwriter with an insurance company. Whazzat you ask??? No worries, I get that question every single time lol. Click on the link to find out more. I'm still under training, but by the end of 6 months I should be a certified underwriter. Not exactly my ideal job, but thats the best offer I could get so far.
On the knitting front, I did finish my Phildar bolero. Don't mind the picture, I had no one else to take it for me. Somehow it didn't turn out to be like the one in the pattern. And yes that's me in my Lelah Top too.

The bolero turned out to be a tad too big, especially around the arms. And I wore it for a whole day and it kept falling backwards and slipping off my shoulders, which was pretty darn annoying. I am thinking of making an i-cord and attaching it to the front so I can tie it and not worry of it falling all the time.
Oh yes before I forget, the yarn ball population in my yarn box has increased by 3! yep!! First up, is Knit Pick's Felici from my buddy Rain. It was an Eid pressie from her. Thank you sweety =) The yarn is so so unbelievable soft I wish my pillows and sheets were that soft. Those of you who have tried this yarn before would agree with me, won't ya?

Next, is something I purchased for myself...2 balls of Knit Picks' Gossamer in Carribean. Hopefully it will be a lacy top, and not a shawl...again.

That's all for now folks. Not making any knitting resolutions here. Hopefully there'll be more FOs this year. Take care and happy knitting!