Saturday, November 04, 2006

Fiiiiirst SP package!

This morning I found a very impatient envelope waiting to be picked up in my mailbox. Still yawning at that hour my eyes were wide open when I realised it was the package from my SP!

Thinking to myself what could be in the envelope because the envelope was definitely not pregnant with yarn....I got a shock when I found theeesse!

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No need to rub your eyes my fellow bloggers..There's definitely not one, not two, not three but FOUR Addi Turbo Circulars! One moment I don't even have a single pair and then suddenly...four of them!! They are of 3mm, 3.5mm, 4mm and 4.5mm. Just imagine how estatic I was..I mean..I STILL am!

The envelope that they came in had lil lil flowers(?) that were lavender scented. So so relaxing! And that lil postcard that came along with is a picture of madieval castles that my SP's home is sorrounded with! Castles! Castles! I wonder if she lives in a castle tooo?

Here's a close up of the z needles if you still don't believe me =)

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Thank you so very much SP!!! You've defintely made my day!

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Funky Scarf

Yep this is a post that was due two weeks promised I would post about the funky scarf that I got from my partner, Sarah from US.

I was waiting till I could borrow a good digital camera from someone to take pics. But something even better happened =) =) I got a gift from my sis and bro-in-law --- A Nokia N72 phone camera with a 2MP camera! Ahhh I'm sooo luckeeee!! Kewl now taking pics won't be a problem yay!

Okay so...the scarf....
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Potato Chip Scarf
50g Lang Coco (65% cotton, 35% acrylic)
50g MANOS del URUGUAY Pure Peruvia Cotton Kettle Dyed

Its really so soft and Sarah had put some beads in the scarf too. I couldn't get a clear close up of the beads though..But if you think that it travelled half way across the world alone to meet me...guess again...
Look who tagged along.....

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Yes those are really cute stitch markers hand made by her! And that's two balls of Flutter eyelash yarn and also an oh-so-soft Peruvian Baby Cashmere!

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What will you be lil baby??

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Can anyone suggest what I can knit with these two balls of eyelash yarn? Each is about approximately 75 yards.

Thanks again Sarah!

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