Last night, I sat down with my 4 1/2 year old nephew, teaching him how to spell a couple of words that was going to be tested in school today. I thought I had patience with children, trust me I thought I did, but last night's session proved me wrong!
Here are the words he's supposed to know:
nine, jump, walk, run, ten
It took me about 1.5 hours to teach him all five! First I went through with him about 10 times on how to spell them.
so after the...50th(??) time...
Me: spell jump
Kid: jump....??? *eyes looking at the ceiling*
Me: *waiting...* *annoyed*
Kid: mmm....w....
Me: w????!!! j.u.m.p!! jump jump! you don't hear the 'w' sound in jump!
Kid: *writing on a paper*.. 'jump'
Then I erased it and told him to spell again
Kid: *blank stare* *tries to make sure I see him yawning* (it was 11pm)
Me: .............!!
Kid: umm...jump....starts with g....?
Repeat above with the other letters!!
After a while I felt bad for being so harsh to him. Poor kid is only in KG1. Then I gave him a hug...I could see his eyes light up...the finally-this-evil-aunt-has-calmed-down look..
At this point, when I told him to spell...he could...all five words!